Let me start by saying that this project was a HUGE stress ball that continues to exponentially grow. Not only did it just add on to my stress but it also sucked the remain creative juices I had left. I didn't have much left to begin with but I need those creative juices for other purpose and its all gone now. It is also obvious that I wasn't able to follow my time and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to since certain events and circumstances got in the way. But at least I still got it finished.

By the way I feel horrible for the way I ended the plot but I also felt that it was an appropriate ending that fit the circumstances. Any other ending would not have ended my plot completely and it would be to cliche to have another happy ending where nothing was wrong. Also if everything turned out happily ever after than my plot would be pointless because nothing really happened, I would just be going back to where I started.

Albert Einstein said that "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" At first I though that my solutions were too short but then my thoughts reproduced and it wasn't short I was just try to explain simply.

I think the only reason why I chose the concepts that I did for my problems was because those were the ones I had the most confidence in that I could do and provide the correct solutions. Not only to provide correct solutions but also teach them how to do it themselves. I can not teach something that I don't fully understand my self. Isn't that correct?

In opinion I don't think my project provides an overview of my best mathematical ability because these were the question I know how to do and annotate. Other questions I know how to do but I cannot explain why certain steps happen and if I can't explain it than I cannot teach it properly. It is also because I believe that just because I cannot demonstrate my ability does not mean I didn't learn or understand the concepts.

I learned that technology hates me, and I suck with it. Besides that I got nothing from this project. Not only did I not learn anything of educational value, but I got more confused as I went along trying to solve the questions I created( I scrapped those ones). It made me feel dumber than I think I actually am and lowered my confidence in my abilities. “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein. That is what I learned.

This project has to much of a focus on technology, I mean it is easier to engage a learner with the presentation being more aesthetically pleasing than those which are not. Those who are better with the technology has an obvious upper hand. Cause honestly I viewed some of the other Developing Expert Voices projects and I was captured in the way it was presented such as videos and things and not by the math. May I also point out that this project is suppose to be focused on the math. What can I say humans are shallow creatures and we care to much for appearance to notice the finer details.

- jennifer


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