there was a rose on the floor
End flashback
There are only 2 people Serena knows who uses a rose as there trademark.
Moonlight Knight and Tuxedo Mask
If only she could remember what color the rose was then she would not be having this problem. BUT if Moonlight Knight and Tuxedo Mask are the same person . . . nahh that is nonsense. We all know that Tuxedo Mask is Darien but can Darien be the Moonlight Knight too?
DEV Question # 4
Darien is Moonlight Knight and Tuxedo Mask, both use a rose as their trademark. So the person in that room protecting Serena was Darien. Which also means that she could have possible injured or vanquished Darien. SERENA the scouts yelled. The scouts they found Darien and he was very badly injured from Serenas attack as Sailor Moon.View more Microsoft Word documents from 1sweet_cookie
The Silver Millennium Moon Festival resumed and everything was back to normal. But for Serena and the scouts it was not longer a joyous occasion.
Serena and Darien were seperated not by millions or billions of miles, not by planets or galaxies but only by a few meters beneath the soil.
T H E. E N D.
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